Welcome to Veniceias Pizza Restaurants and entertainment

Veniceiaś pizza located at- 1910 Westminster Street Providence RI 02909 at Bahras place mall Bahras Place Mall the first and the only neighborhood mall in RI.gives a great service and tremendous chance for start up a business opportunity for everyone seek chance to be tenet for free consultant and Financial aid. Bahras place mall the one stop shop.

We have food court of 8 restaurants and convention hall seats 150 people include Pizza place and taco shop bubble tea convenient store clothing and shoe stores eyelash Hair Salon ice cream shop and deli and Hookah Bar and much more and don't forget the special taco and pizza giveaway at taco magico and Venezia's Pizza.

Our Chefs at Restaurant

Our chefs at Veniceiaś Pizza & entertainment the best in the State they deliver tremendous quality and delicious food and you will be witness of that your satisfaction is our duty.

Veniceiaś pizza & entertainment deliver suburban quality of catering. All our chef fine line chefs and for production the sky is the limit.

We make the Best Pizza in the town, We Love to prove it to you.

Tasty Pizza's

Come and experience the awesome & delicious tasty and healthy pizza's at veniceias pizza restaurant.

We employed World's best Chef

We have the best & most experienced pizza chefs in house at veniceias pizza delivering you the best experience of pizza

Fastest delivery

Pizza at your doorstep is just a call away, you can call us directly on the phone number and we are also available on food ordering apps.